Connecting, Volunteering and Kindness

How would you improve your community? I would improve my community by: Photo by cottonbro studio on Volunteering - I volunteer at the elementary school across the street from my house that I retired from. I help in the library, so I get to see the students. I connect with them and try to [...]

Gut Wretching, Difficult Experiences Helped Me Grow

What experiences in life helped you grow the most? The experiences that helped me grow the most were life changing, attitude changing and always very difficult, gut wrenching and hard. Photo by Veronika Valdova on The passing of our 14-month-old son.Nothing, I mean nothing prepares a parent to bury a small infant/toddler. In our [...]

Patience, Grace, Open Mind & Open Heart

What skills or lessons have you learned recently? Learned Skills: First, Patience, although I still struggle with this. I am a “work in progress. Second, To Extend Grace…we all have a back story. How someone treats me, is a reflection on them. How I respond, is a reflection on me. I’m all about trying to [...]


Tell us one thing you hope people say about you. She is kind & supportive. With my family, my extended family, friends and random people I encounter at a store, in a restaurant or on a walk, it is my nature to be kind. I send daily inspirational texts to my daughters. I check in [...]

A Good Neighbor…

What makes a good neighbor? Photo by Ernst-Gu00fcnther Krause (NID) on 1. Consideration - I treat my neighbor as I would want to be treated 2. Taking care of our yard and home…mowing our yard, keeping our property cleaned up. It helps the property values. 3. Kindness, when it snows, we shovel their sidewalks. [...]

God, Family…Everything Else

What things give you energy? God, Family … Everything Else. I read a devotional every day. We say the Rosary a few times a week. When we say the Rosary on the weekend it is with my 90-year-old mother-in-law. We all look forward to that time together. Sometimes our daughter joins us…three generations praying the [...]

1st Responders & Other Service Industry Personnel

What profession do you admire most and why? I admire 1st responders, police officers, fireman, the staff at hospitals. The other service industry personnel are the clerk at the grocery store, the server in your favorite restaurant, the barista at your local coffee shop. Why? 1st responders, police and fire personnel have the courage to [...]

Faith Brings Me Joy

Describe one habit that brings you joy. Joy feeds the soul. My faith in God is the one constant that has served me, helped me weather many a storm. My faith creates a ripple effect like a pebble hitting the water. My faith is the pebble hitting the water, the ripples are positivity, gratitude, helping [...]

A Random Act of Kindness

Write about a random act of kindness you've done for someone. I worked with a Library Media Specialist for 13 years. I was her assistant. Many times, she was stretched very thin with technology needs for our building, her classes, building our library collection, and responsible for hosting an annual book fair. She wears many [...]

Introvert, Nurturer, Great Listener and Kind!

How would you describe yourself to someone? I would describe myself as an introvert, nurturer and a great listener. 1. Introvert - I like peace and quiet. I recharge when I have “alone” time. I do not like to be the center of attention. Being out in nature or in my backyard in my garden [...]

Diet, Hydration, Exercise, Sleep, Spirituality, Laughter…Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff!

What strategies do you use to maintain your health and well-being? My strategy to maintain health and wellbeing is as follows: A Balanced Diet - eating fruits, vegetables, dairy along with nuts and protein. Hydration - very important to drink plenty of water. Plain water, not mineral water, carbonated water. Exercise - Exercising with resistance. [...]

Staying Connected with Love, Good Morals, Kindness and Respect

What would you change about modern society? What I would change: Staying connected with Love, good morals, kindness and respect. A person’s character has to do with their morals. Kindness is love for the soul. Respect is a give and take we as a society have lost. Today, the liar and cheater get ahead, the [...]

Who Is Your Tribe?

Tribe - Word of the Day I retired recently from the education field. During COVID was a difficult time. Staff, parents and students were concerned about this virus. As a result, school districts had to make difficult decisions that resulted in remote learning for a portion of the 2020-2021 School Year in my area. In [...]

Mother’s Day…Brunch, Flowers & Family

I am so blessed to have a wonderful family that acknowledges me on Mother's Day! This year they bought the brunch and flowers to me! Mother's Day Bouquet The above bouquet was part of my Mother's Day present. My daughters made brunch which consisted of: Quiche, homemade coffeecake & whipped cream for berries with mimosas. [...]

What If We are the Only “Church” some People will Ever See…

The Bible I am a Catholic, I was raised in the Catholic faith. I do not agree with many of the manmade rules of the Catholic Church. When I was growing up our family was very involved in our church. When our daughters were growing up, we were Eucharist Ministers, our eldest daughter was a [...]

Turbulent & Chaotic Times

I have not posted in a long time. I am navigating the covid restrictions, vaccinations, world news and random pop up riots. These times are trying and stressful. During chaotic times I need to “center” myself. Some people may call it “grounding themselves.” I try to eat properly, get enough sleep, keep connected with family [...]

Let’s BE KIND!

With the COVID-19 stats ever evolving...The last week has changed everything! People are scrambling at grocery stores, restaurants and bars just closed, schools are closed, no large group events. Today, I went to the grocery store and was pleased to find some water! When I got to the checkout, the checker informed me that I [...]

“What is Your Joy?”

Last weekend I went to a new Primary Care Doctor appointment. This is a big deal for me because I have not had a Primary Care Doctor for over ten years. I do the maintenance; the OB/Gyno appt., my mammogram, I get blood work through my employer. I reflected, "I'm getting these wellness labs done, [...]

Part 4: The Journey – “Getting To The Other Side”

Toward the end of December, almost the last day, my husband received a call from the electrophysiologist's assistant who was going to set up another CT Scan to get the process going for the cryoablation. However, after everything my husband had been through he thought, "What if the fluid in my chest cavity was contributing [...]

The Coffee Bean Book – #BeTheBean

I heard this story before this summer. I knew Jon Gordon and Damon West were releasing "The Coffee Bean". Without revealing too much but perking your curiosity... This is a story that starts with a carrot, an egg and a coffee bean. It has a simple message that is relevant for all ages. Once you've [...]