Our Bountiful Garden

My husband wanted a garden so he built a raised garden bed on the south side of our house an optimal location! He did that a few years ago. I am so grateful he wanted the garden, he built us a beautiful area to plant our vegetables.

Every year we try different vegetables, we try less or more of something. Each season is a learning experience. This year our tomatoes came in very early, the humidity and moisture at the beginning of August was incredible! We have been blessed with a bountiful harvest this growing season!

Kale, Swiss Chard, Onion, Tomatoes, Green Beans & Pepper

We have had such an abundance of Kale, Swiss Chard and Green Beans. Last weekend I picked 8 green peppers!

The garden helps us connect with nature, every year is a different set of challenges. We learn so much from the process of growing our own vegetables. Faith in the process of gardening and trusting that what we try will work. If it doesn’t we’ll try something else. I am appreciative to share the vegetables we grow with our loved ones and coworkers. I am grateful to have the time and the space and location to have a garden! It has been so rewarding to learn from our mistakes and to celebrate the triumphs!

Peppers & Beans

Freshly Picked Green Beans

I am…

#thepatientgardener and a #gardeningnerd

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