When Does a Father Grow into a Dad?

Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing fathers…

Since writing this article a year ago…our other daughter & her boyfriend have bought a home, and her dad has become their “Go To” Mentor as they learn to navigate being new homeowners, and he learns when to “step in” and “when to step back!”


I was blessed to grow up with a dad that took care of his family, provided for us, made sure we had what we needed to grow into successful adults.  My dad modeled parenting for me.  His parenting style evolved over the years as his children got older.  The reality is being married, having kids, balancing the roller coaster of life that starts out with the slow ascend arriving at the top only to descent at a rapid fire speed…there is no manual for those challenges life may bring. So what makes a father a dad and when does that metamorphose happen?

My husband’s parents divorced when he was very young, consequently he grew up in a single parent home.  His mom did a fantastic job of providing a home for my husband and his sister. She not only had to be the nurturer but she had to be the disciplinarian as…

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